Sunday, August 07, 2005

the secret path revealed in reflection Posted by Picasa

like flowers on a cake Posted by Picasa

Saturday, August 06, 2005

clever, now do the barking dog or the rabbit with the big ears one, please Posted by Picasa

simple tools of the trade Posted by Picasa

wash day rolls around Posted by Picasa

water vase Posted by Picasa

vanity thy name is insect Posted by Picasa

reflecting on breaking through while waterboat men play hide and peek Posted by Picasa

playing deadly hide and seek, the fish and the waterboatmen, dance the game Posted by Picasa

fish eye view of the pool Posted by Picasa

reflections of a house Posted by Picasa

life in colour Posted by Picasa

even in beauty the battle for life and death rages Posted by Picasa

hiding from the snake Posted by Picasa

will I look like that when I grow up? Posted by Picasa

waiting in line at the local bar Posted by Picasa

waiting to be picked by the in-coming flight Posted by Picasa

of simple lines and form Posted by Picasa

the water monster growling for it's next meal Posted by Picasa

measuring time by the first morning rays of the sun Posted by Picasa

sunrise over the Minster gardens Posted by Picasa

even as the grey clouds gather, the water level kept falling Posted by Picasa

framed by shadows, drifting towards the setting sun Posted by Picasa

sometimes you look and wish, just to float off into the sunset Posted by Picasa